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来源: 作者:ndt 人气: 发布时间:2025-02-23
摘要:摘要:针对含有内部狭长形缺陷的球形薄壁压力容器,采用电子散斑干涉技术测试了容器表 面的位移场,分析了其应变和应力
中图分类号:TGll5.28    文献标识码:A    无损检测资源网 文章编号:1000-6656(2005)01-0002 04
Nondestructive Testing Of Pressure Vessels Using Electronic SpeckIe Pattern Interferometry
HUANG Peng,MO Jun,FU Chun-yu,LI Si-zhong
(China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang Sichuan 621900。China)
Abstract:The displacement.fields of one thin-wall spherical pressure vessels embedded with strip flaw were measured using electonic specklepattern interferometry,then the strain and stress fields were analyzed.From the experimental results,the peanut-like figures appeared in the out-plane displacement contours-and local concave deformation oecured in the flaw area.The obvious low-magnitude bands could be observed from the first strain and the first stress contours when the inner pressure was O.65MPa。and the bands reflected the flaw's location and shape.Moreover,the mechanics model based on plane and shell theory was presented to explain the experimental results。and a pair of moment could be deduced due to the shell thickness change in local flaw area.Because of the moment,stress and stain components values largely decreased where local flaw occurs.
Keywords:Nondestructive testing;Pressure vessel;Electronic speckle pattern interferometry;Defect;Strain
field;Stress field
责任编辑:ndt 转载请注明出处 www.wusunjiance.net
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