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来源: 作者:ndt 人气: 发布时间:2025-02-22
摘要:ISO/TC 85 Nuclear energy,核能 ISO 1757:1996 Personal photographic dosemeters 个人照相剂量仪 ISO 2855:1976 Radioactive materials -- Packagings -- Test for contents leakage and radiation leakage 放射性材料 包装 内存物泄漏和辐射泄漏的检测 IS
ISO/TC 85  Nuclear energy,核能
ISO 1757:1996   
Personal photographic dosemeters
ISO 2855:1976   
Radioactive materials -- Packagings -- Test for contents leakage and radiation leakage
放射性材料  包装  内存物泄漏和辐射泄漏的检测
ISO 2919:1999   
Radiation protection -- Sealed radioactive sources -- General requirements and classification
辐射防护  密封放射源  一般要求和分类
ISO 3999:2004
Radiation protection -- Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography -- Specifications for performance, design and tests
辐射防护  工业伽玛射线照相装置  性能、设计和检验规范超声波探伤仪http://www.chaoshengbotanshangyi.org 
ISO/TR 4826:1979   
Sealed radioactive sources -- Leak test methods
密封放射源  泄漏检测方法
ISO 7212:1986   
Enclosures for protection against ionizing radiation -- Lead shielding units for 50 mm and 100 mm thick walls
电离辐射防护栏  50 mm 和 100 mm 厚铝屏蔽装置
ISO 9978:1992   
Radiation protection -- Sealed radioactive sources -- Leakage test methods
辐射防护  密封放射源  泄漏检测方法
ISO 11934:1997   
X and gamma radiation -- Indirect- or direct- reading capacitor-type pocket dosemeters
X 和伽玛射线  非直读或直读式电容型袖珍辐射剂量仪
责任编辑:ndt 转载请注明出处 www.wusunjiance.net
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