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来源: 作者:中国无损检测 人气: 发布时间:2025-02-22
摘要:德国 标准 : DIN 488-6-1986 钢筋检验 Reinforcing steel; inspection DIN 1690 Pt.2-1985 金属材料制品销售技术条件铸钢件无损检测等级标准的分类 DIN 1732-2-1977 铝焊接填充金属 焊接接头检测 Welding Filler Metals for Aluminium; Testing by Welded Jo
DIN 488-6-1986 钢筋检验 Reinforcing steel; inspection
DIN 1690 Pt.2-1985 金属材料制品销售技术条件铸钢件无损检测等级标准的分类
DIN 1732-2-1977 铝焊接填充金属 焊接接头检测 Welding Filler Metals for Aluminium; Testing by Welded Joints
DIN 1942-1994 蒸汽锅炉的验收试验规程(VDI 蒸汽锅炉规则)
Acceptance test code for steam generators (VDI-rules for steam generators)
DIN 3088-1989 提升用钢丝绳吊索 安全要求,标记和装配
Steel wire rope slings for lifting purposes; safety requirements, marking and assembly
DIN 8524-3-1975 金属焊接接头缺陷:裂缝,分类,名称,说明
Defects in Metallic Welded Joints; Cracks, Classification, Denominations, Explanatory Notes
DIN 25426-3-1991 密封放射源 生产与原型试验的泄漏检测方法
Sealed radioactive sources; leakage test methods as part of production and prototype testing
DIN 25436-1980 绝对压力法检测容器的总漏率
Integral leakage rate test of containment with the absolute pressure method
DIN 50463-1985 钢的检测 硅铁合金磁钢片密度的测定 Testing of steel; determination of the density of iron/silicon alloy magnetic sheet
DIN 50977-1993 镀层厚度测量 连续运动物体镀层厚度的无接触测量
Measurement of coating thickness; non contact measurement of coating thickness on continuously moving objects
DIN 50982-3-1987 涂层厚度测量原理 选择标准及基本测量程序
Principles of coating thickness measurement; selection criteria and basic measurement procedures
DIN 54130-1974 无损检测一用靠模法检查表面
DIN 54150-1977 无损检测 表面检验的压印法(复制技术)
Non-destructive testing; impression methods for surface examination (Replica-technique)
DIN 58141-10-1997 光学纤维元件的检测 第10部分:光照强度及冷光源有效视角的测定
Testing of fibre optic elements - Part 10: Determination of illuminance and acceptance angle of cold light sources
DIN 54180-1-1997 无损检测 剪切图解 第1部分:一般原理
Non-destructive testing -Shearography - Part 1: General principles
DIN 54180-2-1997 无损检测 剪切图解 第2部分:设备 Non-destructive testing - Shearography - Part 2: Equipment
DIN 65450-1985 对航空部门无损检测人员的要求
DIN-Fachbericht 89-2000 无损检测验 一般NDE数据格式模型 CEN-报告 13935-2000
Non-destructive testing - Generic NDE data format model; CEN-Report 13935:2000
DIN V 54180-3-1997 无损检测 剪切图示 第3部分:管道检测
Non-destructive testing - Shearography - Part 3: Testing of pipelines
DIN EN 170-2003 个人眼防护 紫外线滤光镜 透射要求和推荐使用
Personal eye protection - Ultraviolet filters - Transmittance requirements and recommended use; German version EN 170:2002
DIN EN 207-2002 个人眼防护 激光辐射过滤和眼镜保护(激光防护镜)
Personal eye-protection - Filters and eye-protection against laser radiation (laser eye-protectors) (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 207:1998 + A1:2002
DIN EN 208-2002 人眼防护 在激光器和激光系统上调整工作时的眼镜防护装置(激光调节护眼镜)
Personal eye-protection - Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and lasersystems (laser adjustment eye-protectors) (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 208:1998 + A1:2002
DIN EN 473-2001 无损检测 无损检验人员的资格鉴定和认证 一般规则
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel - General principles; German version EN 473:2000
DIN EN 586-1-1997 铝和铝合金 锻件 第1部分:检验与交货技术条件
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Forgings - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 586-1:1997
DIN EN 754-1-1997 铝和铝合金.冷拉棒和管 第1部分:检验与交货技术条件
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn rod/bar and tube - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 754-1:1997
DIN EN 755-1-1997 铝和铝合金 挤压棒材、管材和型材 第1部分:检验与交货技术条件
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 755-1:1997
DIN EN 970-1997 熔焊焊缝的无损检验 目视检验
Non-destructive examination of fusion welds - Visual examination; German version EN 970:1997
DIN EN 1301-1-1997 铝和铝合金 拉丝 第1部分:检验和交货技术条件
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 1301-1:1997
DIN EN 1330-1-1998 无损检测术语 第1部分:术语总表
Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Part 1: List of general terms; Trilingual version EN 1330-1:1998
DIN EN 1330-2-1998 无损检测术语 第2部分:无损检测方法的通用术语
Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Part 2: Terms common to the non-destructive testing methods; Trilingual version EN 1330-2:1998
DIN EN 1330-8-1998 无损检测术语 第8部分:密封性检测
Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Part 8: Terms used in leak tightness testing; Trilingual version EN 1330-8:1998
DIN EN 1330-10-2003 无损检测术语 第10部分:目视检测
Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Part 10: Terms used in visual testing; Trilingual version EN 1330-10:2002
DIN EN 1518-1998 无损检测 泄漏检测验 质谱检漏仪特性
Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Characterization of mass spectrometer leak detectors; German version EN 1518:1998
DIN EN 1593-1999 无损检测 泄漏检测 发泡技术
Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Bubble emission techniques; German version EN 1593:1999
DIN EN 1669-1997 铝和铝合金 检测方法 薄板和带材的凸耳试验
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Test methods - Earing test for sheet and strip; German version EN 1669:1996
DIN EN 1779-1999 无损检测 泄漏检测 方法和技术选择标准
Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Criteria for the method and technique selection; German version EN 1779:1999
DIN EN 1802-2002 可运输储气瓶 无缝铝合金储气瓶的周期性检验和测试
Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders; German version EN 1802:2002
DIN EN 1803-2002 可运输储气瓶 焊接炭素钢储气瓶的周期性检验和测试
Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of welded carbon steel gas cylinders; German version EN 1803:2002
DIN EN 1968-2002 可运输储气瓶 无缝钢储气瓶的周期性检验和测试
Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of seamless steel gas cylinders; German version EN 1968:2002
DIN EN 10216-2-2002 承压无缝钢管 交货技术条件 第2部分:规定较高温度性能的非合金和合金钢管
Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties; German version EN 10216-2:2002
DIN EN 10216-3-2002 承压无缝钢管 交货技术条件 第3部分:细粒合金钢管
Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubes; German version EN 10216-3:2002
DIN EN 10216-4-2002 承压无缝钢管 交货技术条件 第4部分:规定低温性能的非合金和合金钢管
Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties; German version EN 10216-4:2002
DIN EN 10256-2000 钢管的无损检测 1级和2级无损检测人员资格及能力
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Qualification and competence of level 1 and 2 non-destructive testing personnel; German version EN 10256:2000
DIN EN 12062-2002 焊缝的无损检测 金属材料的一般规定
Non-destructive testing of welds - General rules for metallic materials; German version EN 12062:1997 + A1:2002
DIN EN 12254-2002 激光工作场所屏蔽 安全要求和测试
Screens for laser working places - Safety requirements and testing (includes Amendment A1:2002); German version EN 12254:1998 + A1:2002
DIN EN 12454-1998 铸造 表面不连续性的目视检验 砂型铸钢件
Founding - Visual examination of surface discontinuities - Steel sand castings; German version EN 12454:1998
DIN EN 12799-2000 钎焊 钎焊接头的无损检验
Brazing - Non-destructive examination of brazed joints; German version EN 12799:2000
DIN EN 12818-2002 地下安装的储存容量包括13M的液化石油气槽罐的检验和重新鉴定
Inspection and requalification of LPG tanks up to and including 13 m underground; German version EN 12818:2002
DIN EN 12863-2002 可运输储气瓶 液化乙炔储气瓶的周期性检验和维护
Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and maintenance of dissolved acetylene cylinders; German version EN 12863:2002
DIN EN 13100-1-2000 热塑性半成品焊接接头的无损检测 第1部分:目视检验
Non destructive testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products - Part 1: Visual examination; German version EN 13100-1:1999
DIN EN 13018-2001 无损检测 目视检测 一般原理
Non-destructive testing - Visual testing - General principles; German version EN 13018:2001
DIN EN 13184-2001 无损检测 泄漏检测 压力变化法
Non-destructive testing - Leak test - Pressure change method; German version EN 13184:2001
DIN EN 13185-2001 无损检测 泄漏检测 痕量气体法
Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Tracer gas method; German version EN 13185:2001
DIN EN 13187-1999 建筑物的热特性 建筑物表层不规则热量的定性检测 红外线法
Thermal performance of buildings - Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes - Infrared method (ISO 6781:1983, modified); German version EN 13187:1998
DIN EN 13192-2002 无损检测 泄漏检测 试验 气态参考泄漏的校准
Non-destructive testing - Leak test - Calibration of gaseous reference leaks; German version EN 13192:2001
DIN EN 13480-5-2002 金属工业管道 第5部分:检验和测试
Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing; German version EN 13480-5:2002
DIN EN 13625-2002 无损检测 泄漏检测 气体检漏仪选择指南
Non-destructive testing - Leak test - Guide to the selection of instrumentation for the measurement of gas leakage; German version EN 13625:2001
DIN EN 13927-2003 无损检测 目视检测 设备
Non-destructive testing - Visual testing - Equipment; German version EN 13927:2003
DIN EN 30042-1994 铝及其可焊合金电弧焊接 不完整性的质量等级导则
Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys - Guidance on quality levels for imperfections (ISO 10042:1992); German version EN 30042:1994
DIN EN 45002-1990 检测实验室评估的一般规范 EN 45002:1989
General criteria for the assessment of testing laboratories; Identical with EN 45002:1989
DIN EN 45003-1995 校验测试实验室认可系统 操作和认可的一般要求
Calibration and testing laboratory accreditation systems - General requirements for operation and recognition (ISO/IEC Guide 58:1993); Trilingual version EN 45003:1995
DIN EN 45004-1995 不同类型检验机构工作的通用准则
General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection; trilingual version EN 45004:1995
DIN EN 45011-1998 产品认证机构的一般要求
General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems (ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996); Trilingual version EN 45011:1998
DIN EN 45012-1998 质量保证系统评估及认证机构的一般要求
General requirements for bodies operating assessment and certification/registration of quality systems (ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996); Trilingual version EN 45012:1998
DIN EN 45013-1990 人员认证机构的一般规范
General criteria for certification bodies operating certification of personnel; EN 45013:1989
DIN EN ISO 3868-1995 金属和其他无机物涂层 涂层厚度测量 菲索(Fizeau)多光束干涉仪法
Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Measurement of coating thicknesses - Fizeau multiple-beam interferometry method (ISO 3868:1976); German version EN ISO 3868:1994
DIN EN ISO 8596-1996 眼科光学 视力检测 标准视力符号及其表述
Ophthalmic optics - Visual acuity testing - Standard optotype and its presentation (ISO 8596:1994); German version EN ISO 8596:1996
DIN EN ISO 8597-1996 眼科光学 视力检测 相关视力符号的方法
Optics and optical instruments - Visual acuity testing - Method of correlating optotypes (ISO 8597:1994, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1995); German version EN ISO 8597:1996
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