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来源: 作者:中国无损检测 人气: 发布时间:2025-02-22
摘要:德国 : DIN 4266-1-1992 掩埋用PVC-U.PE-HD和PP排放管 要求、检测和控制 PVC-U and PE-HD and PPdrainage pipes for landfills; requirements, testing and control DIN 4512-7-1993 照相胶片感光度 光学密度的测定 概念、符号和标志 Photographicsensitomet
DIN 4266-1-1992 掩埋用PVC-U.PE-HD和PP排放管 要求、检测和控制
PVC-U and PE-HD and PP drainage pipes for landfills; requirements, testing and control
DIN 4512-7-1993 照相胶片感光度 光学密度的测定 概念、符号和标志
Photographic sensitometry, determination of optical density; concepts, symbols and notations
DIN 54112-1977 无损检测 胶片、曝光屏软片、X及γ射线照相暗盒 尺寸
Non-destructive Testing; Films, Exposure Screens, Cassettes for X-ray and Gamma Ray Radiographs; Dimensions
DIN 6800-1-1980 剂量测量方法;探头型探测器测量光子和电子剂量的一般原理 
Procedures in dosimetry; principles of photon and electron dosimetry with probe-type detectors
DIN 6800-5-1980 剂量测量方法;热致发光剂量测量 Procedures in dosimetry;  thermoluminescence dosimetry
DIN 6812-76 300KV医用χ射线机的射线防护规则
DIN 6814-1-1980 放射技术中的术语与定义 应用范围
Terms and definitions in the field of  radiological technique; regions of application
DIN 6814-2-2000 放射技术中的术语 第2部分:辐射物理学
Terms in the field of radiological  technique - Part 2: Radiation physics
DIN 6814-5-2001 放射技术中的术语 第5部分:辐射防护
Terms in the field of radiological  technique - Part 5: Radiation protection
DIN 6814-6-1989 放射技术中的术语与定义 电压400KV以下的X射线发生设备
Terms and  definitions in the field of radiological technique; technical means for producing X-radiation up  to 400 kV
DIN 6814-10-1992 放射技术中的术语与定义 放射性同位素的闪烁扫描术
Terms and definitions in  the field of radiological technique; scintigraphy of incorporated radioisotopes
DIN 6814-16-1996 放射技术中的术语与定义 第16部分:包括安全性的质量检验 概述
Terms and  definitions in the field of radiological technics - Part 16: Quality inspection including safety;  general aspects
DIN 6814-20-1992 放射技术中的术语与定义 数字式诊断图像 一般术语
Terms and definitions in the field of radiological technique; digital methods in diagnostic imaging;  general terms
DIN 6814-22-1992 放射技术中的术语与定义 数字式诊断图像 计算机层析术
Terms and  definitions in the field of radiological techniques; digital methods in diagnostic imaging;  emission computed tomography
DIN 6816-1984 辐射防护监控用胶片剂量计的过滤分析方法
Film dosimetry using a filter analysis procedure  for radiation protection monitoring
DIN 6818-1-1992 辐射防护剂量计 总则 Radiation protection dosimeters; general
DIN 6818-6-1988 辐射防护剂量计 热致发光剂量计系统
Radiation protection dosemeters;  thermoluminescence dosimetry systems
DIN 6841-1979 X射线辐射防护 铅玻璃板 X-ray radiation protection; panes of lead glass
DIN 6845-1-1980 X和γ射线辐射防护材料的检测 400KV以下X射线
Testing of materials for radiation protection against X-rays and gamma-rays; X-rays up to 400 kV
DIN 6860-1996 放射学中的胶片处理 存储、运输、操作和处理
Film processing in radiology - Storage,  transport, handling and processing
DIN 6868-1-1985 X射线诊断中图像质量的保证 总则 Image quality assurance in X-ray diagnostics;  general
DIN 6868-2-1996 X射线诊断中图像质量的保证 第2部分:胶片处理的稳定性试验
Image quality assurance in X-ray  diagnosis - Part 2: Constancy testing of film processing
DIN 6868-3-2000 X射线诊断部门的图像质量保证 第3部分:直接射线照相时的稳定性试验
Image quality  assurance in diagnostic X-ray departments - Part 3: Tests for constancy in direct radiography
DIN 6868-4-1987 X射线诊断中的图像质量保证 在透视中采用X射线图像增强器和从X射线图像增强器输出屏照相的稳定性检验 Image quality assurance in X-ray diagnosis; constancy checking in radioscopy with an X- ray image intensifier and photography from the X-ray image intensifier output screen
DIN 6868-11-1998 X射线诊断中的图像质量保证 第11部分:X射线摄影用成象系统和摄影机的稳定性试验 
Image quality assurance in X-ray diagnostics - Part 11: Constancy testing of the imaging system  and camera in X-ray cinematography
DIN 6868-13-2003 X射线部门的图像质量保证 第13部分:数字成像接收器的投影射线照相系统的 稳定性试验 Image quality assurance in X-ray departments - Part 13: Constancy testing of  projection radiography systems with digital image receptors
DIN 6868-53-1999 X射线诊断的图像质量保证 第53部分:计算机层析摄影设备的验收试验
Image  quality assurance in X-ray diagnosis - Part 53: Acceptance test in computed tomography equipment
DIN 6871-1-2003 正电子发射层析摄影术用回旋加速器系统 第1部分:结构辐射防护要求
Cyclotron systems  for positron emissions tomography - Part 1: Requirements for constructional radiation protection
DIN 6873-5-1993 放射治疗处理的计划系统 稳定性测试
Radiotherapy treatment planning systems;  constancy testing
DIN 8563T3-79 焊接质量保证:钢的熔焊要求评价
DIN 15586-2-1983 活性材料的机械性能 照相胶片抗划伤性能的测定
Mechanical  properties of sensitized materials; determination of the scratch resistance on photographic films
DIN 25407-1-1993 电离辐射屏蔽墙 铅砖 Shielding walls against ionizing radiation; lead  bricks
DIN 25407-2-1993 电离辐射屏蔽墙 铅屏蔽墙用特殊构件
Shielding walls against ionizing  radiation; special construction elements for lead shielding walls
DIN 25407-3-1993 电离辐射屏蔽墙 铅屏蔽室结构
Shielding walls against ionizing  radiation; construction of lead hot cells
DIN 25413-1-1991 屏蔽混凝土按成份比例分类 中子射线屏蔽
Classification of shielding  concretes by proportion of elements; neutron shielding
DIN 25413-2-1991 屏蔽混凝土按成份比例分类 γ射线屏蔽
Classification of shielding  concretes by proportion of elements; gamma shielding
DIN 25425-2 Bb.1-1989 放射性核实验室 内部辐射防护规则的制定原则 γ和β射线屏蔽导则 
Radionuclide laboratories; principles for the establishment of internal radiation protection  rules; guidance notes on shielding of gamma- and beta-radiation
DIN 25426-1-1988 密封放射源 要求和分类 Sealed radioactive sources; requirements  and classification
DIN 25426-2-1992 密封放射源 对特种形式放射性材料的要求
Sealed radioactive  sources; special form radioactive material, requirements
DIN 25427-1-1977 防γ射线的混凝土屏蔽墙中双弯充气管道的设计、术语和条件
Design of  Gas-filled Double-bend Ducts in Concrete Shields against Gamma Radiation; Terms and Conditions
DIN 25430-1991 辐射防护的安全标志 Safety marking in radiation protection
DIN 25482-1 Bb.1-1992 核辐射测量的探测极限和识别极限 忽略样品处理影响的计数测量 注释和实例 
Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting  measurements neglecting the influence of sample treatment; comments and examples
DIN 25482-2-1992 核辐射测量的探测极限和识别极限 忽略试样处理影响的计数光谱测量
Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting spectrometric 
measurements, neglecting the influence of sample treatment
DIN 25482-2 Bb.1-2000 电离辐射测量的探测极限和识别极限 第2部分:忽略试样处理影响的光谱计数测量 注释和实例 Detection limit and decision threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - Part  2: Counting measurements by spectrometry, neglecting the influence of sample treatment; comments  and examples
DIN 25482-4-1995 核辐射测量的探测极限和识别极限 第4部分:忽略试样处理和仪器影响的α光谱计数测量 Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements - Part 4:  Counting alphaspectrometric measurements, neglecting the influence of sample treatment and  equipment used
DIN 25482-5-1993 核辐射测量的探测极限和识别极限 忽略试样处理影响的高分辨力γ射线光谱计数测量 
Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting  measurements by high resolution gamma spectrometry, neglecting the influence of sample treatment
DIN 25482-6-1993 核辐射测量的探测极限和识别极限 考虑试样处理和仪器影响的计数测量
Limit of  detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting measurements with  allowance for the influence of sample treatment and equipment used
DIN 25483-2000 使用固态累积剂量计的环境监测法
Methods of environmental monitoring using  integrating solid-state dosimeters
DIN 51418-1-1996 X射线光谱分析 X射线发射和X射线荧光分析(XRF) 第1部分:定义和基本原理
X-ray  spectrometry - X-ray emission- and X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) - Part 1: Definitions and  basic principles
DIN 51418-2-1996 X射线光谱分析 X射线发射和X射线荧光分析(XRF) 第2部分:定义和测量,校准及结果评估的基本 原理 X-ray spectrometry - X-ray emission- and X-ray fluorescense analysis (XRF) - Part 2:  Definitions and basic principles for measurements, calibration and evaluation of results
DIN 54109T1-76 金属材料射线底片的图象质量一般概念,定义,象质计,象质计数的求法
DIN 54109T2-64 金属材料射线底片的图象质量和图象分级规则
DIN 54111-2-1982 无损检测 用X或γ射线检测金属材料 铁铸件的射线照相技术
Non-destructive  testing; Testing of metallic materials by X-rays or gamma rays; Radiographic techniques for  castings of ferrous materials
DIN 54111T1-85 金属材料焊缝的χ射线和γ射线照相检测方法
DIN 54111T2-82 钢铁铸件的χ射线和γ射线照相检测方法
DIN 54112-77 χ射线和γ射线照相用底片与增感屏及底片盒的尺寸
DIN 54113-1-1992 无损检测 500KV以下X射线设备的辐射防护规则 一般安全技术要求及测试
Non- destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application of X-ray equipment  up to 500 kV; general technical safety requirements and testing
DIN 54113-2-1992 无损检测 500KV以下X射线设备的辐射防护规则 制造、安装和操作的一般安全技术要求和测试 Non-destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application  of X-ray equipment up to 500 kV; general technical safety requirements and testing for the  manufacture, installation and operation
DIN 54113T1-80 500KV以下工业用χ射线设备防辐射的技术安全注意事项和检查
DIN 54113T2-80 500KV以下工业用χ射线设备的制造,安装和操作的技术安全注意事项及检
DIN 54113T3-80 500KV以下工业用χ射线设备防辐射的计算规则--χ射线防护计算公式和图
DIN 54115-1-1992 无损检测 密封放射源技术应用的辐射防护规则 固定和移动操作 
Non-destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application of sealed  radioactive sources; stationary and mobile handling
DIN 54115-1 Bb.1-1992 无损检测 密封放射源技术应用的辐射防护规则 控制区域的估算
Non- destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application of sealed  radioactive sources; estimating of control regions
DIN 54115-3-1998 无损检测 密封放射源技术应用的辐射防护规则 第3部分:在操作和运输时的辐射防护组织 Non-destructive testing - Radiation protection rules for the technical  application of sealed radioactive sources - Part 3: Organisation of radiation protection during  handling and transport
DIN 54115-4-1992 无损检测 密封放射源技术应用的辐射防护规则 γ射线照相移动装置的构造与测试
Non-destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application  of sealed radioactive sources; construction and testing of mobile apparatus for gamma-radiography
DIN 54115-5-1992 无损检测 密封放射源技术应用的辐射防护规则 γ射线照相辐射的预防性测量 
Non-destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application of sealed  radioactive sources; building precautionary measures of radiation for the gamma-radiography
DIN 54115-6-1988 无损检测 密封放射源技术应用的辐射防护规则 移动式γ射线照相装置的检验、维护和功能测试 Non-destructive testing; radiation protection rules for the technical application of  sealed radioactive sources; inspection, service and functional test of mobile apparatus for gamma-radiography
DIN 54115T1-85 工业用密封射线源的射线防护规则
DIN 54115T2-70 工业用密封放射性材料允许的人体辐射剂量控制及监督范围
DIN 54115T3-76 工业用密封放射性材料允许的人体辐射剂量对γ射线的监督范围
DIN 54115T4-84 移动式γ射线机的安装和检查
DIN 54115T5-80 γ射线检验工厂的设备
DIN 54116T1-73 射线底片的观察条件
DIN 54116T2-76 射线底片观片灯
DIN 50983-77 用β背散射法测量层厚
DIN EN 444-1994 无损检测 金属材料χ和γ射线照相检验的一般原理
Non-destructive testing; general  principles for the radiographic examination of metallic materials using X-rays and gamma-rays; German version EN 444:1994
DIN EN 462-1-1994 无损检测 射线照相图像质量 第1部分:像质计(丝型) 图像质量值测定 
Non-destructive testing; image quality of radiographs; part 1: image quality indicators (wire  type); determination of image quality values; German version EN 462-1:1994
DIN EN 462-3-1996 无损检测 射线照相图像质量 第3部分:铁金属的图像质量等级
Non-destructive  testing - Image quality of radiogrammes - Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous metals;  German version EN 462-3:1996
DIN EN 462-4-1994 无损检测 射线照相图像质量 第4部分:图像质量值与图像质量表的实验评估 Non-destructive  testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values  and image quality tables; German version EN 462-4:1994
DIN EN 462-5-1996 无损检测 射线照相图像质量 第5部分:像质计(双丝型),图像不清析度值测 定
Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Image quality of  indicators (duplex wire type), determination of image unsharpness value; German version EN 462- 5:1996
DIN EN 584-1-1994 无损检测 工业射线照相胶片 第1部分:工业射线照相胶片系统的分类
Non- destructive testing - Industrial radiographic film - Part 1: Classification of film systems for  industrial radiography; German version EN 584-1:1994
DIN EN 584-2-1997 无损检测 工业射线照相胶片 第2部分:借助参照值控制胶片处理
Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic film - Part 2: Control of film processing by means  of reference values; German version EN 584-2:1996
DIN EN 1330-3-1997 无损检测术语 第3部分:工业射线照相检测
Non-destructive testing -  Terminology - Part 3: Terms used in industrial radiographic testing; Trilingual version EN 1330- 3:1997
DIN EN 1435-2002 焊缝的无损检测 焊接接头的射线照相检测
Non-destructive testing of welds  - Radiographic testing of welded joints; German version EN 1435:1997 + A1:2002
DIN EN 10246-10-2000 钢管的无损检测 第10部分:探测自动熔弧焊接钢管焊缝不完整性的射线照相检测 
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 10: Radiographic testing of the weld seam of  automatic fusion arc welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections; German version EN  10246-10:2000
DIN EN 12517-2003 焊缝的无损检验 焊接接头的射线照相检测 验收等级
Non-destructive  examination of welds - Radiographic testing of welded joints - Acceptance levels; German version  EN 12517:1998 + A1:2002
DIN EN 12543-1-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性 第1部分:扫描法
Non- destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non- destructive testing - Part 1: Scanning method; German version EN 12543-1:1999
DIN EN 12543-2-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性 第2部分:针孔照相法 
Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in  non-destructive testing - Part 2: Pinhole camera radiographic method; German version EN 12543- 2:1999
DIN EN 12543-3-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性 第3部分:狭缝照相法 
Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in  non-destructive testing - Part 3: Slit camera radiographic method; German version EN 12543-3:1999
DIN EN 12543-4-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性 第4部分:边缘法
Non- destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non- destructive testing - Part 4: Edge method; German version EN 12543-4:1999
DIN EN 12543-5-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性 第5部分:最小和最大聚焦X射线管的有效焦点尺寸的测量 Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in  industrial X-ray systems for use in non-destructive testing - Part 5: Measurement of the  effective focal spot size of mini and micro focus X-ray tubes; German version EN 12543-5:1999
DIN EN 12544-1-1999 无损检测 X射线管电压的测量和评估 第1部分:分压器法
Non-destructive  testing - Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage - Part 1: Voltage divider method;  German version EN 12544-1:1999
DIN EN 12544-2-2000 无损检测 X射线管电压的评估和测量 第2部分:用厚滤膜法连续检验
Non-destructive testing - Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage -  Part 2: Constancy check by the thick filter method; German version EN 12544-2:2000
DIN EN 12544-3-1999 无损检测 X射线管电压的测量和评估 第3部分:光谱法
Non-destructive  testing - Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage - Part 3: Spectrometric method;  German version EN 12544-3:1999
DIN EN 12679-1999 无损检测 工业射线源尺寸的测定 射线照相法
Non-destructive testing -  Determination of the size of industrial radiographic sources - Radiographic method; German  version EN 12679:1999
DIN EN 13068-1-2000 无损检测 射线检测 第1部分:成像特性定量测量
Non-destructive testing -  Radioscopic testing - Part 1: Quantitative measurement of imaging properties; German version EN  13068-1:1999
DIN EN 13068-2-2000 无损检测 射线检测 第2部分:成像装置长期稳定性检查
Non-destructive  testing - Radioscopic testing - Part 2: Check of long term stability of imaging devices; German  version EN 13068-2:1999
DIN EN 13068-3-2001 无损检测 射线检测 第3部分:金属材料χ和γ射线照相检测的一般 原理
Non-destructive testing - Radioscopic testing - Part 3: General principles for the  radioscopic testing of metallic materials by X- and gamma rays; German version EN 13068-3:2001
DIN EN 25580-1992 无损检测 工业射线照相观片灯 最低要求
Non-destructive testing;  industrial radiographic illuminators; minimum requirements (ISO 5580:1985); german version EN  25580:1992
DIN EN 60522-2002 X射线管组件固有滤波的测定
Determination of the permanent filtration of X- ray tube assemblies (IEC 60522:1999); German version EN 60522:1999
DIN EN 61675-2-2001 放射性核成像装置 性能和试验条件 第2部分:单光子发射层析摄影(IEC 61675- 2:1998) Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Part 2: Single  photon emission tomographs (IEC 61675-2:1998); German version EN 61675-2:1998
DIN EN 100012-1995 基本规范:电子元件的X射线检验
Basic specification: X-ray inspection of  electronic components; German version EN 100012:1995
DIN EN ISO 3497-2001 金属镀层 镀层厚度测量.X射线光谱法
Metallic coatings - Measurement  of coating thickness - X-ray spectrometric methods (ISO 3497:2000); German version EN ISO  3497:2000
DIN EN ISO 3543-2001 金属和非金属涂层 厚度测量 β背散射法
Metallic and non-metallic  coatings - Measurement of thickness - Beta backscatter method (ISO 3543:2000); German version EN  ISO 3543:2000
DIN IEC 61336-1999 核仪器 利用电离辐射的厚度测量系统 定义和试验方法
Nuclear instrumentation - Thickness measurement systems utilizing ionizing radiation - Definitions and  test methods (IEC 61336:1996)
DIN ISO 4503-1991 硬质合金 用X射线荧光测定金属元素含量 熔化法
Hardmetals; determination of  contents of metallic elements by x-ray fluorescence; fusion method; identical with ISO 4503:1978
DIN ISO 4883-1991 硬质合金 用X射线荧光测定金属元素含量 溶解法
Hardmetals; determination  of contents of metallic elements by X-ray fluorescence; solution method; identical with ISO  4883:1978
DIN V 6868-12-1996 X射线诊断的图像质量保证 第12部分:硬拷贝照相机的稳定性试验
Image quality  assurance in X-ray diagnostics - Part 12: Constancy tests for hard copy cameras
DIN V 6868-57-2001 X射线诊断部门图像质量保证 第57部分:图像显示装置的验收试验
Image quality  assurance in diagnostic X-ray departments - Part 57: Acceptance testing for image display devices
DIN V 6868-58-2001 X射线诊断部门图像质量保证 第58部分:数字图像接收器的X射线投影照相系统的验收试验 
Image quality assurance in diagnostic X-ray departments - Part 58: Acceptance testing of  projection radiography systems with digital image receptors

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