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来源: 作者:中国无损检测 人气: 发布时间:2025-02-06
摘要:英国 : BS 499 Pt.3-1965 射线照相检测显示焊缝缺陷的相关术语和缩略语 BS 1384/1:1985 底片光学密度测量 术语、符号和标志指南 BS 1384/2:1993 底片光学密度测量 关于透射光学密度几何条件的规范 BS 1881/205 : 1986 混凝土试验 第205部分: 混凝土的射线照
BS 499 Pt.3-1965 射线照相检测显示焊缝缺陷的相关术语和缩略语
BS 1384/1:1985 底片光学密度测量 术语、符号和标志指南
BS 1384/2:1993 底片光学密度测量 关于透射光学密度几何条件的规范
BS 1881/205:1986 混凝土试验 第205部分:混凝土的射线照相检测推荐方法
Testing concrete -  Recommendations for radiography of concrete
BS 2600-1973 钢板(2-50mm,50-200mm)对接焊缝射线检测方法(INDT,84-4)
BS 2737:56(1995) 射线照相检测显示铸件内部缺陷的相关术语
BS 2910-1986 钢管对接环焊缝的射线检测方法(WSTS,89-3,4;NDT,88-11)
BS 3385-1973 小型直读式辐射剂量计
BS 3490-1985 工业射线照相胶片的尺寸,包装及标记
BS 3664-1963 个人辐射监控用胶片剂量计规范 Specification for film badges for personnel  radiation monitoring
BS 3683/3:1984 无损检测术语汇编 射线探伤(被BS EN 1330-3:1997取代)
BS 3686 Pt.3-1984 无损检测名词术语--射线检验
BS 3783-1964 个人防护X射线用铅橡胶围裙规范
Specification for X-ray lead-rubber protective  aprons for personal use
BS 3890-1965 辐射剂量监测胶片的测试,校准和冲洗的一般推荐方法
BS 3895-1976 放射性材料安全运输包装的设计、检验及使用指南
Guide to the design, testing and  use of packaging for the safe transport of radioactive materials
BS 3909-1965 屏蔽辐射用铅锭规范 Specification for ingot lead for radiation shielding
BS 3971-1985 射线照相用象质计及其推荐使用方法(NDT,87-1)
BS 4031-1966 X 射线防护用铅玻璃规范 Specification for X-ray protective lead glasses
BS 4094-1-1966 电离辐射屏蔽的推荐数据:γ射线的屏蔽
BS 4094-2-1971 电离辐射屏蔽的推荐数据:χ射线的屏蔽
BS 4097-1966 工业用γ射线曝光容器及射线源容器
BS 4304-1968 χ光胶片盒(扁平硬质)
BS 4408 Pt.3-1970 混凝土的γ射线照相检测
BS 4513-1969 辐射屏蔽用铅砖规范 Specification for lead bricks for radiation shielding
BS 5288-1976 密封放射性源
BS 5230-1975 工业射线检验胶片的感光度和对比度测定方法
BS 5411 Pt.8-1976 金属及有关复合层的检测方法--χ射线光谱法(ISO 3497)
BS 5411 Pt.12-1976 金属及有关复合层的检测方法--复合层厚度测量的β射线背散射法(ISO 3543)
BS 5500-1978 非受火熔焊压力容器
BS 5650-1978 γ射线照相装置规范 ISO 3999-1977  Specification for apparatus for gamma radiography
BS 6090-1981 个人用照相剂量计规格
BS 6932-1988 工业射线照相小焦点和微焦点X 射线管有效焦点尺寸的测量方法 (WSTS 1995.6)
BS 7009-1988 焊缝实时射线成像检验应用指南 Guide to application of real-time  radiography to weld inspection
BS 7731:94(1998) 铸造金属外科植入物的射线照相检验方法
BS 7518-1995 辐射防护仪器 环境监测用测量X或γ射线的便携式、可移动或者固定安装的设备 整体组装 Radiation protection instrumentation - Portable, transportable or installed equipment to  measure x or gamma radiation for environmental monitoring - Integrating assemblies
BS CECC 00012-1985 电子元件质量保证协调系统--基本标准--电子元件的射线检验
BS DD ISO/TS 13762-2002 粒径分析 小角度X射线散射法 Particle size analysis - Small angle X- ray scattering method
BS EN 444-1994 无损检测 金属材料x和γ射线照相检验的一般原理
Non-destructive testing -  General principles for radiographic examination of metallic materials by X- and gamma-rays
BS EN 462-1-1994 无损检测 射线照片图像质量 像质计(线型) 图像质量值的确定
Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Image quality indicators (wire type) -  Determination of image quality value
BS EN 462-2-1994 无损检测 射线照片图像质量 像质计(台阶/孔型) 图像质量值的确定
Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Image quality indicators  (step/hole type) - Determination of image quality value
BS EN 462-3-1997 无损检测 射线照片图像质量 黑色金属图像质量分级
Non- destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Image quality classes for ferrous metals
BS EN 462-4-1995 无损检测 射线照片图像质量 图像质量值和图像质量表的实验评定
Non- destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Experimental evaluation of image quality  values and image quality tables
BS EN 462-5-1996 无损检测 射线照片图像质量 像质计(双线型) 图像不清晰度的确定
Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Image quality indicators (duplex wire  type), determination of image unsharpness value
BS EN 584-1-1995 无损检测 工业射线照相胶片 工业胶片分级
Non-destructive testing - Industrial radiographic film - Classification of film systems for  industrial radiography
BS EN 584-2-1997 无损检测 工业射线照相胶片 利用参考值的胶片处理控制
Non-destructive  testing - Industrial radiographic film - Control of film processing by means of reference values
BS EN 1330-3-1997 无损检测 术语 工业射线照相检测
Non-destructive testing -  Terminology - Terms used in industrial radiographic testing
BS EN 1435-1997 焊缝的无损检验 焊缝的射线照相检验
Non-destructive examination of welds -  Radiographic examination of welded joints
BS EN 10246-10-2000 钢管的无损检测 探测奥氏体熔弧焊钢管焊缝不完整性的射线照相检测
Non- destructive testing of steel tubes - Radiographic testing of the weld seam of automatic fusion  arc welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections
BS EN 12543-1-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性-扫描法
Non- destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non- destructive testing - Scanning method
BS EN 12543-2-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性-针孔照相法
Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in  non-destructive testing - Pinhole camera radiographic method
BS EN 12543-3-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性-缝隙照相法
Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in  non-destructive testing - Slit camera radiographic method
BS EN 12543-4-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性-边缘法
Non- destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non- destructive testing - Edge method
BS EN 12543-5-1999 无损检测 工业X射线系统的焦点特性-小焦点与微焦点X射线管有效焦点尺寸的测量
Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X -ray systems for use in non-destructive testing - Measurement of the effective focal spot size of  mini and micro focus X-ray tubes
BS EN 12544-1-1999 无损检测 X射线管电压测量与评价-分压法
Non-destructive testing -  Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage - Voltage divider method
BS EN 12544-2-2000 无损检测 X射线管电压测量与评价-利用厚滤波板法的恒定检验
Non-destructive  testing - Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage - Constancy check by the thick  filter method
BS EN 12544-3-1999 无损检测 X射线管电压测量与评价-光谱法
Non-destructive testing -  Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage - Spectrometric method
BS EN 12679-2000 无损检测 工业射线照相源的尺寸确定-射线照相法
Non-destructive testing -  Determination of the size of industrial radiographic sources - Radiographic method
BS EN 12681-2003 锻造 射线照相检验 Founding - Radiographic examination
BS EN 13068-1-2000 无损检测 射线检测 图像特性的定量测量
Non-destructive testing -  Radioscopic testing - Quantitative measurement of imaging properties
BS EN 13068-2-2000 无损检测 射线检测 成像装置长期稳定性的检验
Non-destructive testing -  Radioscopic testing - Check of long term stability of imaging devices
BS EN 13068-3-2001 无损检测 射线照相检测 金属材料X与γ射线照相检测的一般原理
Non- destructive testing - Radioscopic testing - General principles of radioscopic testing of metallic  materials by X- and gamma rays
BS EN 13925-1-2003 无损检测 多晶和非晶材料的X射线衍射 一般原理
Non-destructive testing -  X-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous materials - General principles
BS EN 13925-2-2003 无损检测 多晶和非晶材料的X射线衍射 程序
Non-destructive testing -  X-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous materials - Procedures
BS EN 24503-1993 硬质合金 用X射线荧光分析法对金属元素含量的测定 熔化法
Hardmetals -  Determination of contents of metallic elements by X-ray fluorescence - Fusion method
BS EN 25580-1992 无损检测用工业射线照相观片灯最低要求规范
Specification for minimum  requirements for industrial radiographic illuminators for non-destructive testing
BS EN 60522-1999 X射线管装置固定滤波的测定 Determination of the permanent filtration  of X-ray tube assemblies
BS EN 60580-2000 区域辐射剂量计 Dose area product meters
BS EN 60789-1992 安格型γ射线机的试验方法 Methods of test  for Anger type gamma cameras
BS EN 61262-5-1995 医用电子装置光电X射线图象增强器的特性 探测量子效率的测定
Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray  image intensifiers for medical electrical equipment - Determination of the detective quantum  efficiency
BS EN 61675-1-1998 放射性核成像装置 性能和试验条件 正电子放射层析摄影
Radionuclide  imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Positron emission tomographs
BS EN 61675-2-1998 放射性核成像装置 性能和试验条件 单光子发射计算机层析摄影
Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Single photon emission  computer tomographs
BS EN 61675-3-1998 放射性核成像装置 性能和试验条件 γ射线机为基础的全景成像系统
Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and test conditions - Gamma camera based wholebody  imaging systems
BS EN 100012-1996 电子元件质量评估协调系统-基本规范-电子元件的X射线检验
BS ISO 4037-2-1998 校准剂量计和剂量率计并测定其对光子能量功能响应的X和γ参照辐射 能量范围在8KeV以上到1、3和4MeV至9MeV辐射防护的放射剂量
X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating  dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy  - Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges 8 keV to 1, 3 MeV and 4 MeV to 9 MeV
BS ISO 4037-3-1999 校准剂量计和剂量率计并测定其对光子能量功能响应的X和γ参照辐射 第3部分:区域和个人剂量计校验及其对能量和入射角的功能响应测定
X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate  meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence
BS ISO 5655-2001 照相技术 工业射线照相胶片(卷片与单片)和金属增感屏-尺寸
Photography - Industrial  radiographic films (roll and sheet) and metal intensifying screens - Dimensions
BS ISO 7004-1987 照相技术 工业射线照相胶片-X与γ射线曝光的ISO速度与平均梯度的确定
BS ISO 8529-1-2001 参照中子辐射 第1部分:特性和生产方法
Reference neutron radiations Characteristics and methods of production
BS ISO 8529-3-1999 参照中子辐射 第3部分:区域及个人剂量计的校正及其对中子能量和入射角的功能响应测 定 Reference neutron radiations - Calibration of area and personal dosimeters and  determination of their response as a function of neutron energy and angle of incidence
BS ISO 11929-4-2001 致电离辐射测量的检测范围和判定极限的测定 在没有样品处理影响时利用模拟记数率计线性刻度测量的基本原理和应用
Determination of the detection limit and decision  threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - Fundamentals and application to measurements by  use of linear-scale analogue ratemeters, without the influence of sample treatment
BS ISO 12645-2000 图像技术 过程控制 鉴定透射密度计不透明区的参照材料
Graphic  technology - Process control - Certified reference material for opaque area calibration of  transmission densitometers
BS ISO 12794-2000 核能 辐射防护 四肢和眼用个人热致发光剂量计
Nuclear energy - Radiation protection - Individual thermoluminescence dosemeters for extremities and eyes
BS ISO 14152-2002 中子辐射防护屏蔽 选择适用材料的设计原理和考虑
Neutron radiation  protection shielding - Design principles and considerations for the choice of appropriate  materials
BS ISO 14807-2001 照相术 透射和反射密度计 性能测定方法
Photography - Transmission and  reflection densitometers - Method for determining performance
BS ISO 14535-2001 照相术 室内光下包装电子扫描仪及成像胶片和胶卷 尺寸和有关要求
Photography - Room-light loading packages for electronic scanners and image-setting film and  paper rolls - Dimensions and related requirements
BS ISO 15567-1999 X射线(韧性辐射)辐射处理的剂量测定
Practice for dosimetry in an X- ray (bremsstrahlung) facility for radiation processing
BS ISO 18904-2000 成像材料 已处理胶片 测定润滑性的方法
Imaging materials - Processed  films - Method for determining lubrication
BS ISO 18906-2001 成像材料 照相胶片 安全胶片规范
Imaging materials - Photographic films -  Specifications for safety film
BS ISO 18920-2000 成像材料 已处理照片的反射打印 存储方法
Imaging materials - Processed photographic reflection prints - Storage practices
BS IEC 60532-2001 辐射防护仪器 安装的剂量比率计 报警组件和监测仪 能量50KeV~7MeV的X和γ射线辐射 Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed dose ratemeters, warning assemblies and monitors - X and gamma radiation of energy between 50 keV and 7 MeV
BS IEC 60692-2000 核仪器 利用电离辐射的密度计 定义和试验方法
Nuclear instrumentation -  Density gauges utilizing ionizing radiation - Definitions and test methods
BS IEC 61336-1998 核仪器 利用电离辐射的厚度测量系统 定义和试验方法
Nuclear  instrumentation - Thickness measurement systems utilizing ionizing radiation - Definitions and  test methods
BS IEC 61526-2000 辐射防护仪器 x、γ和β射线个人剂量当量Hp(10)和Hp(0.07)的测量 直读式个人剂量当量和/或剂量当量比率剂量计
Radiation protection instrumentation -  Measurement of personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07) for X, gamma and beta radiations -  Direct reading personal dose equivalent and/or dose equivalent rate dosemeters
BS IEC 61584-2001 辐射防护仪器 安装,便携或运输组件 空气比释动能指示和空气比释动能率的测量
Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed, portable or transportable assemblies - Measurement of air kerma direction and air kerma rate
BS EN ISO 3543-2001 金属与非金属涂层-厚度测量-β背散射法
KT 17-1999 无损检测(射线照相法) Non destructive testing (radiography)
KIT 17-1999 无损检测(射线照相法) 包装 Non destructive testing (radiography) pack
BS M34-1998 (英国航空标准) 射线照相技术的准备和使用方法
Method of preparation and use of radiographic  techniques
FD A09-203-1999 无损检测 混凝土、钢筋混凝土、预应力混凝土材料的X射线和γ射线照相检验 带说明的射线照片举例
Non destructive testing - Radiographic examination of concrete, reinforced concrete,  prestressed concrete materials by X- and gamma rays - Examples of radiographs with their  interpretation.
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